Winter Weather Liabilities for Property Managers


Winter brings unique challenges for property managers, especially when it comes to snow and ice removal. These hazards not only make walkways and parking lots dangerous but also open up the possibility of costly liability claims if someone is injured on your property. Understanding your responsibilities and taking proactive steps to manage winter weather risks can help protect you from legal and financial troubles. 

Here’s what you need to know about winter weather liabilities and how to protect your property. 

Recognizing and Preventing Hazards 

The most common winter-related liability for property managers is slip-and-fall accidents. To minimize this risk: 

  • Clear snow and ice from walkways promptly. 
  • Regularly apply salt to prevent ice buildup. 
  • Remove icicles and snow accumulations above entrances, as these can cause serious injuries if they fall. 

Taking these simple steps can go a long way in keeping your property safe for tenants and visitors. 

Transferring Responsibilities to Tenants 

For smaller residential properties, like duplexes or single-family homes, snow and ice removal can sometimes be the tenant’s responsibility. To avoid confusion or disputes, make sure the lease clearly states that tenants are responsible for clearing public areas after snowfall, and specify the time frame in which this must be done. 

Contracting Snow Removal 

Many property managers hire snow removal contractors to handle the work. While this can save you time, it’s crucial to hire a reputable company with proper insurance. If the company doesn’t perform the job well, or an employee is injured, you could still be liable. Ensure there’s a solid contract in place outlining responsibilities and time frames. 


Managing winter weather liabilities is an ongoing responsibility for property managers. By taking proactive steps, including hiring insured contractors and clearly assigning responsibilities, you can protect your property and reduce liability. 

For more help managing winter weather risks, contact McHugh Insurance Group today!